Thoughts, Musings, and More

Thursday, March 31, 2011


  Our country is being put through much at this time. Lack of good leadership that believes in the values we once stood for is the one biggest cause!  Many leaders no longer seek the face of God before making decisions..or maybe they do..but just WHO is their god??  But more than what is going on in our leadership that bothers me, is how many people are going about their business as usual and not heeding the signs!

 The Bible says that in the end it will be like in the days of Noah..people eating, making merry, getting married, etc... totally unaware of what was about to come on them!  Look around... just TRY and warn people to prepare for what is coming and they make fun ..think you are off your rocker or some fanatic! Once again.. eating, merriment, marriage, etc... life as usual!   BUT it is NOT life as usual.

  Just this week a 30 minute film was released by the islamic world about the new "iman" coming, the Mahdi! The Iranians believe that they will see the appearance of the  Mahdi soon. This belief is based on supernatural events, plain as the cry of, death to the Jews, that echo in Tehran every Friday. The Israeli’s await there Messiah, the Iranians their Mahdi, and so we see that there is conflict between two sets of supernatural events that in the long run will affect every person on this planet. 

 Our nation has been thrown in such an economic horror that I'm afraid there is NO turning back! 
My point with this blog is to try and bring some things to my family and friends that I think they need to do and right away!   

First:  make SURE you know Jesus Christ as your personal saviour! WAlk close to are going to need it!

Second:  PREPARE:  stock up on bottled water, canned foods like Tuna, chicken (protein), peanut butter, and such.. Canned beans, and other vegetables, canned and dried fruit!  AT LEAST ^ MONTHS if at all possible! Toilet paper, soap, personal items, and such should also be included.

here is a website to check out helps:

as well as links here (just check out topics:

  Third:  Have a plan!  If family is separated..have a meeting place.  Protect your family!!  Make sure you have a gun, know how to use it and plenty of Ammo!  There are those out there who have NEVER worked for what they get and they'll come and get yours!  That may very well mean the police force,  military and govt!  There is alot of underground things going on that most are not aware of. WHY??  Because they are doing their daily busy-ness and not paying attention to the signs!  Once the banking system goes down, and I think will have no money for gas to get with your family... to make contact, or anything else!

Scary?? You bet!  For Christians, though, we have a Saviour who will take care of us as He needs to.  But you may be called to lay your life on the line. One area will be the "mark of the beast" which most likely will be a computer chip under the skin.  These chips are already being used in Holland and exclusive "resort parks and bars" for established customers.!  Without a chip or mark you cannot buy or sell anything! NO JOB, NO FOOD NO GAS....NOTHING!!  But taking the mark is a signed deal with SATAN!  That is why I want you to stock up on needs!   Do what you have to and do it!! PREPARE!

  The information is out there!  The Mainstream Media is NOT telling you this!  Because they support the liberal/socialist agenda to overthrow this nation!  But there are Christian financial people who have been saying for years to get out of debt.  Some are working hard at it. But the immediate needs like water and food need to be taken into consideration!

  Do what you can!  Find sales, buy freeze dried if at all possible. There are companies online that sell it by the cases.. enough for a month for family of 4 etc.  Check it out!  Here is one:  Also keep in find a SAFE place for it.   Attic, steel lockable cabinet, or even a FALSE wall! Because they will come after it!   It's okay to share with ppl, but there are those who will not ask and kill to get it!  

  I don't want to sound like an alarmist or fear monger.. I just love you and want you to be prepared as best you can!  To do nothing is do something is wise!  God will provide..yes... but he expected the farmer to do the plowing, plant the seed, water it and then harvest! He didn't just hand the crop to him!

  Be wise..  look around.... PAY attention!!   Stop playing long enough to listen to what God is saying!  Read the Word and see the signs there...because they are very much alive NOW and the things that will cause men's hearts to faint with fear is coming ..and SOON!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Movies Today

   Have you noticed the Movies today??  Try and find one that you can take your kids or grand kids to!  Try and find one that doesn't have the F-bomb in it or other vulgar language!  Or nudity! Or sexual innuendos!  Even Disney has changed since Walt died!
   I for one do not attend the movies, because I don't want to pay for something then get inside and be insulted or slammed with what I don't agree with!  I don't have the money to waste!
  Example.. Rango!  Full of filthy language, but being animated it appeals to kids!  Adults don't even need to fill their minds with such trash!  Why is it necessary??  I know what you are thinking... adults should be allowed to view whatever they want... but remember when you could go to a movie Like Cary Grant, Roy Rogers, Katherine Hepburn and be totally entertained and there was NO adult language! Entertaining ?? Yes!  Good story lines?? Yes!  And the Good guy won, and the bad guys were punished!  It's a message we so need to have today!
  We have  several generations now who do not know what is right or wrong!  Our world has become a world of hate toward those who are different or disagree with their way of thinking!   I am concerned for my Grandchildren growing up in a world where morality seems to be a thing of the past. Things are pushed in their faces that they do not need to see or hear!  Innocence is lost and children have become adults at an earlier age then ever! How sad!

Another movie in question right now is "Paul".  This movie has an alien creature who escaped from Area 51, smokes marijuana, drinks, drops the F-bomb and makes fun of Christians!  If it were Jews or Muslims or Buddhists even there would be an outcry!! But Christians are fair game somehow!  What is funny.... the movie makers and those who laugh at the degrading of Christians are fulfilling the exact words of Jesus that they want to deny exists!  He said  that Christians would be hated by the world!   They are the salt of the earth..and salt stings because it is the truth that exposes sin!  If you claim to be a believer and laugh at such remarks, then maybe you aren't what you claim to be!  It should hurt! It should make you angry that Jesus is being treated with such hatred!
  As in a former blog about the alien subject... can you see now where I am coming from?  They will be a part of the Great deception coming and many will buy into it!  I mean.. If  THEY created Jesus who was holy, pure, loving and good.... why are they so evil and full of sin??  Sweet and Bitter water cannot come from the same source!

   Wake up!  Christian values are under attack in all avenues of life. Workplace, schools, colleges, politics, leaders of the country, movie makers, hollywood, radio, tv, music!  If there were ever a group of people who love the people of the world it is a TRUE Christian..not those who picket funerals of our soldiers... not those who claim to follow Jesus and hate the Jews, or believe in the tactics of the nazis in America (KKK). That is not true Christianity!
Philippians 4:8 says:
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
  This scripture plainly states it... filthy language and actions, sinful living, KKK, hatred, funeral picketers and the such are not thinking on such things!  

Take a stand! Speak up! Let the movie theaters know how you feel about the movies that perpetrate such hatred toward the Christians!  Speak out about those who are harming the name of Jesus by their actions that they think are Christian!  Protect your family! Pray for them..that God will place his protection around them!  Satan and the world is out to get them and WE MUST stand FIRM!!