Thoughts, Musings, and More

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Over and Out!

   The Holidays are over!  Thanksgiving where we stuffed ourselves, then Christmas when we shared our time with Family and Friends exchanging memories in many ways, and then           awaiting the ball to drop to bring in a new year!     Now that they are over things will return to normal!                                                                                                                                                        
    The few kids that were in my life have returned now back to school and all the teachers       "dirty looks"!   Those who are lucky to have a week or two off from their jobs are going back,  hopefully refreshed and ready to change the world for the better! Others are just happy that  all the           madness is over!                                                                                                                                        
   This winter so far has been very mild and not much snow, though we have had quite a bit of rain. Temperatures are much milder than usual too.I keep thinking, soon the weather is going to change into a wild and cold season!  I have to admit though, I do like the snow! Not up to     the rooftops, or icy on the roads, but the falling of giant white balls of fluff from the skies, slow and gently landing on the grass, branches and the seed heads of my perennials just makes my heart and soul skip a beat!  If it falls like that at night, I like to don my boots and scarf and       gloves and walk viewing all the little diamonds laying around for the taking in every yard!       
    It seems when I was a child we would have snow..Inches of it... that fell in December and     never left until March!  We would make forts, and 6 foot snowmen, complete with an old lid    from a pot on it's head! With REAL coal eyes! You see, we used coal as a source of heat then, so it was easy to find pieces for the smiling, friendly faces in our yard!                                         
  My father was an artist of sorts..excelling in snow sculpture! He would pile the snow up and we would help pack it by jumping on it! The he would set to carving with a serving spoon, a    knife from the silverware drawer, and maybe his pocketknife!  Wow..we never thought of      
those utensils as weapons, but creative instruments when not used for eating or whittleing!    
   When all was done there would stand a dog, with four free standing legs complete with ears pointing up and a tail!  I'm sure somewhere in some family pictures somewhere in the family there are pictures of some of these creations! What is even more fantastic..No bratty kid in    the neighborhood would come along and kick the dog and knock it down!  Nor steal the hat     from the snowman!  You could trust people to be respectful then.  Somehow, I miss those       
   Yes, the holidays are over and things are back to normal!        Now, for this time.... I'm Out!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Abandoning the Faith and the Saints

First of all, I want to say, I have know many as I describe below, but I also know those who are Preaching the truth of God! They are the ones I sit under to learn from. If it's not God's word they teach, I don't hang  
around to listen!   This article is to warn those who talk but say nothing that is truth! God reveal it to them before it is too late!                                                                                                                                
David was a man after God's own Heart   the Bible says.  He failed many times but we today have the leading and indwelling of the Holy Spirit to help up do the right thing!    However, my heart gets sickened when I see so many Men in the pulpits who have abandoned the faith and the saints by their lack of teaching the Word of God!                                                                                                                                                               In doing so, they have left the flock to the wolves to be devoured!  When they should be teaching and          equipping, instead they have watered down the Word! As Steve Quayle said, "they have watered it down, because they do not want to carry the Master's water!                                                                              
    I get sick also when those who claim to be an "expounder of the word" live and act like the world! We may be in the world, but we are NOT OF it!  To hear a pastor, who God has a standard for by which they will be judged more harshly.     1 Timothy 4:11-16  Prescribe and teach these things. Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.  Until I come, give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation and teaching.  Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you, which was bestowed upon you through prophetic utterance with the laying on of hands by the presbytery.  Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress may be evident to all.  Pay close attention to yourself and to your  teaching; persevere in these things; for as you do this you will insure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.  (NAS)                                                                                                             
        When I see a "pastor" drink and party like the world, I wonder what did Jesus do for them?  We are to be DIFFERENT than the world, not act and do what they do! This is not only pastors, but those who do  
call themselves believers.  Why would we expect anyone to desire what we have in Jesus when we talk, swear, drink, party and do what they do? They see only hypocrisy, not Jesus!   I suggest a strong , LONG
look in a mirror, and examine your heart!  Yeah, Jesus made wine and all that, but I never read where he  
drank mixed drinks or hard liquor!  I find those who do such things also are caught in lies, telling one person one thing and another something else.. you know, saying what the person they are with at the time wants to
hear!  Let your NO be NO and your YES , YES!  It's time we KNOW and stand by it!  Clean up your act!
The time is too short to play these games!  Hobnobbing with the worldly will NOT win them over to Jesus  when you act like them!  They want to see Jesus...a difference.. something they can desire!                        
Everyone feels that things are happening in the world that is changing. Even those who do not believe in God or the Bible! Yet 60 million plus evangelicals are QUIET!  They should know what is coming, but they remain quiet!  Why??  Are they afraid of ridicule?  Are they afraid they'll be mocked??  Of all people, it is these who should be telling their neighbors and friends why and who and what when they mention things happening in the world! Instead they cower, not wanting to " Offend"!  "Blessed are YOU when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say  all kinds  of evil against you because of me!"(Matthew 5:11)                                        
    We are in the last days! All you have to do is read the Bible and newspaper side by side and you can see
it! Yet too many pastors stand up on Sunday mornings, read a portion of the scripture, then preach on some
subject that has NOTHING to do with the scripture they read!  I really don't care about your new              
I-PHONE, or latest Golf game, or how many fish you caught this week!  I want to know how JESUS spoke to you this week!  I want to know what truth he has opened up to you to share with me!  I do not want to  
have the latest book you read, read to me from the pulpit!  Or that book used as the subject in a series for  two months!  WE can buy it and read it ourselves! I want to know what God taught you about HIS word !
I want to know what new truth he opened to you to share with me and others!  FEED THE SHEEP, don't  give them any other gospel !  Equipping the saints is what you should be doing!                                          
    Give us the  PURE, unadulterated Word of God!  I do not want excuses given as to why some have not
lived up to God's expectations, who have fallen because of sin in their lives. I do not want to hear how you
counseled people , not with God's word, but with the bootstrap ideology!  I want to know that you share
the Truth of the gospel with those in need!  This is the only thing that will change a person and make them
     Take personal responsibility!  The headlines are not pretty! Everyday there is a natural disaster somewhere
in the world, rather flooding, earthquakes, storms, volcanic activity, etc. Evil is abounding! False religions,  
whether Buddhism, New Age, Wicca, Islam, Taoism, and others are growing!  There are signs in the skies all over the world, which I have written of in previous blogs. All these things are predicted to happen and to  be
on the increase in the last days!  Man will try and destroy the world and they will almost do it! But God won't let it happen totally and he will preserve the ones who call Him Lord!  This is the Good news that needs to be
taught!  We don't want to hear sugar-coated syrupy words to make us feel good, but rather words that will  
challenge our hearts to be strong in the Lord and to do what is necessary to make it through the days to       come!                                                                                                                                                        
          If you are one of those men, please hit your knees and let God renew your heart , confess your sin of
not preaching His Word, and change. If not, please do the saints a favor, and step down and not be an         advocate of Satan and  abandon the saints!      It's time to take a strong stand!